Possesive Adjectives


My, your, his, her, its, our and their are the possessive adjectives in English. They are used before a noun to show possession.

Here you have a presentation to review them:

9 comentarios:

  1. hola joge has tenido buena idea poniendo el blog irene

  2. Muchas gracias, espero que lo useis mucho.

  3. Hi george,I recommended the blog to my cousin because he likes english and I am sure that he enter many times

  4. Alejandra Burgos 6º25 de diciembre de 2012, 12:21

    Jorge I wish you to spend a happy Christmas with your family and that in 2013 your desires are fulfilled. Merry Christmas. Alejandra Burgos

  5. Hola Jorge. He estado repasando un poco de gramática. Espero que no sea muy dura la vuelta al cole. Mañana nos vemos. Patricia de 5º A

  6. Hola jorge.
    te deseo feliz año y espero que hayas pasado buenas vacaciones despues de tener que estar dando tantas clases.

    Te veo mañana.

  7. hola jorge creo que te lo curras cada año mas,acabamos de empezar y ya has puesto todos los vervos regulares e irregulares
    nos vemos mañana
    tu estudiante natalia romero

  8. Thankyou very much. You all work a lot in my classes.By the way, verBBBBBBs goes with B :-)
    Carefull when you are typing, it is easy to commit mistakes.
    It is a pleasure to be your teacher. Go to bed and have a rest.

  9. This page is for learn english . I love this blog Estrella 5 B


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